Phoenix Stress Centre in Glasgow
Phoenix Stress Centre
Sadly the Phoenix Centre has been closed since 2014. It ran for three decades and did very good work with the people of Glasgow and quite literally saved lives. Many thousands of people came through its doors and received help in the form of learning how to breathe correctly which enabled them to cope with stress, to recover and maintain health, to improve confidence and self esteem etc. It was a great asset to Glasgow and Scotland and a project conceived through the vision and hard work of it's founder Anne Shearer. It was a charity in the true sense of the word, it had no paid staff and was run by trained volunteers and professional health workers who gave their time freely and at no cost.
This outfit will give you stress.
I went to this centre for stress management some years ago and was asked how stress had effected my working career. I mentioned that I have a long term mental health problem and that I had become unemployed through it. I told them of a long employment history with stress and depression being my reason for leaving. I mentioned that I had volunteered for the Community Program twice in the past but this was twisted by Anne to mean Community Service and she implied that I was a thief.
When another worker had her purse stolen, she accused me, even though it happened on a day that I was not there.