Mrs Linda Burton in Hull
Mrs Linda Burton
The best childminder you could ever hope for!
Lynda has looked after my little boy since he was 5 months old; he's now about to embark on school life. I can't recommend Lynda highly enough. She's developed him, looked after him, played with him, encouraged him to take the next step, taken him to places that a lot of children don't even go with their parents and most of all loved him like one of her own. Lynda has always been there for advice and helped me enormously with those big hurdles like potty training, first steps, moving onto solid foods, encouraging independence etc etc. My little boy is coming to the end of his time with Lynda, and I'm heartbroken as so will my little boy be when the final day comes. But I know we'll stay in touch. My review can never do Lynda justice. If you're looking for a childminder, you will have to look far and wide to find someone better to care for your little one(s).