Halcyon Acupuncture in Leigh
Halcyon Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Ancient holistic health care system that treats not only the presenting symptoms but also the underlying root problems. Treats a wide range of health conditions, including: back pain, pain in general, musical-skeletal problems, infertility and pregnancy, nausea and vomiting, migraines and headaches, stress and anxiety, menstrual and menopausal conditions, fatigue, arthritis, addiction, IBS, gastrointestinal problems and many more.
Products & Services:
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Ancient holistic health care system that treats not only the presenting symptoms but also the underlying root problems. Treats a wide range of health conditions, including: back pain, pain in general, musical-skeletal problems, infertility and pregnancy, nausea and vomiting, migraines and headaches, stress and anxiety, menstrual and menopausal conditions, fatigue, arthritis, addiction, IBS, gastrointestinal problems and many more.
Products & Services:
Back pain and musical-skeletal problems
Fertility and IVF
Migraines and Headaches
Stress and Anxiety
Menopausal and Menstrual symptoms
Digestive problems
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