Palfrey Girls School in Walsall
Palfrey Girls School
Genuinely, really terrible school. A family were compelled to withdraw their daughter from this school recently. School deceptive and conning parents, teaching three separate years and age ranges in one room, use one teacher to save their resources.
This encouraged bullying and was not productive for children. Older girl in classroom stole this family's child's drinks and lunch many times nothing was done about it. This girl stole their daughters mobile instead of bringing up the girl and suspending her, she was encouraged, she again stole in the class from other pupils. Family were reprimanded as to why their child had a phone in the first instance!
In fact when confronted this girl eventually brought the mobile back and had uploaded her photos on SD card, talk about the thief getting caught red handed! This family's daughter was bullied called ugly by this child, they complained many times yet nothing was done. This little girl was also locked in the playground by this older girl. No staff checked that there was a child missing from class.
The child was hysterical as she thought she would be locked in playground all night, and no one would know where she was. I am appalled and disgusted at this so called Islamic faith school who encourage delinquency and turn a blind eye to bullying. The children from the school also state that the teachers make them clean the school as apposed to teach them, what their parents pay for!
Yet I learn of another incident where a small 7 year old boy by older girls was locked in the toilets. He was so frightened and wet himself. When the mother confronted the staff they said the mother should toilet train her son, again turned blind eye to bullying. This school should be shut dow. They do not do CRB checks on all their staff and employ them cheaply.
2nd Floor, Landchard House, 20 Victoria Street
West Bromwich B70 8HY